Are you being the glue? Reflections from E3…

  • Are you being the glue? Reflections from E3…

     Kym Hamer updated 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • Kym Hamer

    November 22, 2020 at 5:34 pm

    Can you believe that it’s been a whole month since E3?

    On October 22nd, I was opening our final day and reflecting on some of the things I’d seen, heard and been inspired to think about over the conference.

    (If it all seems like a distant memory, you can visit the videos tab for a refresh!)

    One of the main things I talked about was how we can be ‘the glue’ in our organisations – whether that’s by being:

    • the CX champion helping our CEO/senior leaders to deliver bottom line impact through customer-centricity or
    • the cross-functional connector joining the dots across the company to accelerate results for all stakeholders.

    Looking back over the last 30 days, what have you implemented to create CX sticky-ness in your organisation?

    Let me know in the comments below!

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